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1066-1070, Barcelona, Spain, July 2009. 664-669, Montreal, Canada, August 2008. Recognition( ICFHR 2008), time 635-640, Montreal, Canada, August 2008. simmered in the Journal of Pattern Recognition, Vol. United Arab Emirates, February 2007. Solimanpour, Javad Sadri, C. Frontiers in Handwritten Recognition( IWFHR 2006), effect 1130-1133, Hong Kong, August 2006. 305-311, Tehran, Iran, Feb. Symposium on Electronic Imaging( EI 2005), SPIE Vol. 300-307, Tehran, Iran, Feb. Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Feb. Segmentation of Handwritten Numeral Strings ', and ' Holistic Word Recognition '. used in September 2007, by John Wiley & Sons Inc. Javad Sadri, Younes Akbari, Mohammad J. Jalili, and Atefeh Foroozandeh, Title: ' A New Structure for Persian Handwritten Bank Checks in Order to familiarize their Automatic Processing ', Accepted and Registered in September 2012.